Saturday, March 29, 2014

FTB Projekt - Anderson and his daughter.

I grew up in Villa Maria. A simple neighborhood of Lagoa Santa. A town 50 km from the capital of Minas Gerais. Anderson is one of the few childhood friends who are not addicted to crack. He managed to establish, form a family and lead the life in a dignified manner. Here with her sweet daughter on the streets of Vila Maria.

Ftb Project.

Resuming the old techniques, public here and on the blog, the Ftb project.

Canon Ftb is a great analog 35mm camera from the seventies. Much loved by press photographers, for its robustness and the quality of its completely mechanical system.
I recently had the good fortune and opportunity to find a Ftb camera in a fair use. The seller was an elderly gentleman, he owned the camera. Right there at the fair, an investigative climate by my curiosity to know him better merged with euphoria by the Lord to tell me some interesting photo stories. It was an interesting day. I was very happy to hear his experiences.
When closing business, he told me. Take care of her, is part of a long history. Good photos.
I will share with you some stories recorded with this camera. I intend to publish one to three pictures per week. Hope you enjoy! I will be very grateful if you could help me share.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Music for me is a connection channel. It's an amazing experience shooting this context trying to show the melody on an aesthetic level.